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OCR: Company Telephone Product Protocols LAN media WAN medla Number of Maximum MAC-layer Routing Supports Management Price number supported supported supported LAN/WAN aggregate bridging protocol SNMP? platforms ports forwarding supported supported rate (pps) 3Com (408) 764 5000; NetBullder Ii Apple Talk, ExbemEL, RS 232. Up to 48, 250,000 Transparent RIP, OSPF. Yes HP OpenView, IBM $10.000 to (900) 638-3266 WINES Token Ring, 32, v.35, up to 24 IGP. EGP. NotWiew 6000, $145,000 TCP/IP, FDDI, HSSI. T-1, fractional SunNer IPX/SPX, 100BaseT T-1, E-1, 1-3, routing RTMP, ISHIS. APPN Manager/Solstice DECnet, frame relay MDSPF XNS x.25, SMDS. DUMRP ATM infrared, microwave ascom Timeplex (201) 391-1111; Enterprise AppleTalk, Ethernet, RS-232, 60, 60 300,000 Transparent, RIP, OSPF, HP OpenView Starting at (800) 669-2298 Router TCP/IP. Token Ring v.35, T-1. source EGP. RTMP, $13,000 IPX/SPX Localla.k fractional T-1, routing, SRT. IS-IS DECnet, E-1 frame DIS XNS relay, x 25, Bay Networks (508) 670-8888 Access Stack Apple Talk, Ethernet, RS-232. 24. 24 200,000 Transparent, RIP. OSPF. Yes Node (ASN) | VINES, HP OpenView, IBM Starting at Token Ring. V.35, T.1, (based on (based on SOURCE: EGP. RTMP, NetView 6000, FDD! ISIS, APPN $4,000 per TCP/B T-3, frame. 4 stick. 1- stack routing SunNet IPX/SPX, relay, x.25, model) modell Manager/ Soistice DECnet, SMDS, ATM XNS. OSI. SNA, DLSW. Source Route Bridge. PPP Bay Networks (508) 670 8888 Backbone AppleTalk, Ethernet. RS 232 52,52 1,000,000 Transparent. RIP, OSPF, HP OpenView, IBM Starting at Concentrator VINES. Token Ring. ¥32,4.35 EGP. RTMP Netview 6000, $24,000 Node (BON) {TCP/IP, FUDI, HSSI T-1, fractional routing Suntiel IPX/SPX, T:1, T-3, Manager/Solstice DECnet, frame relay, XNS, PPP. x.25, SMDS, OSI, SNA ATM, ISDN Bay Networks (508) 6708888 Backbone AppleTalk, Ethernet, RS-232, 16.16 250,000 Transparent, RIP, OSPE, HP OpenView, IBM Starting at Link Node VINES Token Ring. V.35, T.1, EGP, RTMP. NetView 6000, $12,000 BIN] TOPAP fractional T-1, ISIS, APPN SunNet IPX/SPX, T-3, frame Manager/Solstice DECnet, relay x.25, XNS, PPP. SMDS, ATM OSI. SNA Cabletron Systoms (603) 332-9400 91111-3 AppleTalk, Ethernet RS-232 504.112 576,016 Transparent RIP, OSPF. HP Openview, IBM $25,500 Router VINES Token Ring. ¥32, 4.35 source. IGP EGP. Notview 6000, Module for TCP/IP, FOREX, HSSI. T-1, fractional outing RTMP, ISIS SunNet MMAC PIUS IPX/SPX, ATK T1, E-1, T3. Manager/Solstice, DECnet, frame relay. Novell NMS; XNS, all x.25, SMDS Cabletron Cisco 70$ Spectrum